Once long ago there was this cute little red-headed kid who toddled around next door to me. His sister was my best friend & for many reasons, I was forever connected to his wonderful family & considered him a brother to me. That little boy grew up a little & started playing music. He was so very talented & gifted. I watched him learn & thrive as a worship leader in a small setting & then in bigger ones...until the day he became a Life Center intern, under my husband & I. These were some of my favorite years, watching him do what he was made to do & getting to be a part of them. This is also the time I started praying...for someone special to rock his world.
Then this girl came along (well really, she had been there all along). She was adorable of course, but beyond that she was kind & funny. Most importantly, she loved him & thought he was special. I'm not even kidding you, my prayers for "that girl" turned into prayers of "Grace". That little red-headed boy was now a man & had found someone special.
Because of this...being a part of their wedding filled my heart with more joy than you can imagine. Capturing these images was one of the best things I've ever gotten to do. I love you Nathan & Grace, I believe in your marriage & I'm so proud of who you are together.