This was a wedding to remember...
The day was gorgeous. Sun leaked through the trees. The bride & groom looked stunning & were full of joy for one another. The clouds rolled in right before the ceremony & the bride eyed them nervously. I was thrilled. No harsh sun or shadows for the ceremony? A photographers dream. Then the thunder hit. Every eye was glued to the sky. The ceremony begins as normal...and then...the rain came. Not just a few sprinkles...we are talking "everyone jumped in a swimming pool" type of rain. The ceremony proceeded. Memorable, beautiful & WET. The best ceremony ever. Who doesn't want to kiss in the rain on their wedding day?
As the clouds cleared & the sun came back out (after many guests & workers rushed to save everything at the reception), Katie walked up to me & said, "well, this definitely proves that it really doesn't matter... We are married & that's all that does."
So true. What a lovely wedding to be a part of.