So lovely. All of it...lovely.

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So lovely. All of it...lovely.
I don't photograph that many seniors this time of year...but am definitely not complaining. I wish seniors graduated all year long...because I love taking their photos :). This session was no exception.
I. love. soft light.
I. love. seniors.
For this shoot I got both...I am one happy girl.
It's no secret that my sister Sera is gorgeous. But geez...photographing her just enhanced my view of her beauty. I absolutely love this little lady, her personality, her style & her confidence in who she is. How lucky am I to be related to her?!
I sure love you Sera & am so proud of you!
I don't know when seniors became so adorable...but somehow they did...& they keep letting me take pictures of them. It's simply the greatest. Please enjoy these pics of the lovely Kaitlyn. What a sweetheart.
Gah! So many amazing seniors sitting on my computer right now & so little time to blog.
They are all inspiring, beautiful & full of life. This particular beauty put up with so much on our shoot. A wind storm to be exact! I promised her it made the pics amazing & she whole heartedly trusted me. Thank goodness for that...cause golly these are beautiful.
I rarely ever get to photograph boys (on their own). They are so fun & different! Don't get me wrong, girls are wonderful...the hair, the dresses, the movement...always beautiful. But boys are so suave & fresh & I just love that.
I'm a little behind on blogging, so I want to share with you TWO senior boys that are handsome & way to cool to be hanging around me. First up...CARSON CALHOON
And to wrap up this blog...BRADEN STEJER
What a doll miss Peyton is. I loved our time together & am so glad she asked me to take her senior pics. What a fun night!